Now You Can Boost Your Immune System, Heal Your Gut Issues And Get Back To Being Truly Well!
"YourBiotics Is Designed To Supply You With What You Need Based On What Your Body Is Dealing With"
This product is Amazing! I have an unbalanced digestive system and it had made a difference, 100% recommend yourbiotics." -Yamilca Cruz-

Yes! I want Better Health Now!


So, How Do You Take Back Control of Your Health
(Specifically Your 'Gut Microbiome')
Naturally And Effectively?
From: Dr. Jeffrey West
Newark, Delaware
Did you know that 100% of the Top-Selling Freeze Dried, 50 BILLION CFU Probiotics on the market, with Multiple Strains are nothing More than:
A Bunch Of Dead Cells And Debris!
It's true.
As a matter of fact, In our laboratory, we tested many products and we didn’t see any signs of life until up to 3 weeks later!
You simply are Not Getting What They Tell You Is On The Label!
Nor, are you getting what you pay for!

I know it sounds crazy because we’re so used to hearing probiotics benefit the body in boosting gut health and supporting the immune system for many years!
And while that is usually CORRECT.
The truth is, there is an even more Powerful Ingredient that I’m going to share with you, that is going to revolutionize the way you take care of your health…
So You Can Be Truly Well For Life!
As well as 3 Secrets The Probiotic Industry
My name is Dr. Jeffrey J West, and in over 25 years in private practice, I have helped over 15,000 patients regain their lives through my non-stop desire to find 100% effective treatments that we are supposed to get in science but are rare to find in the science of healthcare. One important finding is the importance of gut health to your overall health and wellbeing.
So what is this Powerful Ingredient that I mentioned earlier?
It’s a form of life on its own called
"Archaea Microbes.”
They are on average 9 times smaller than bacteria but we have discovered in our laboratory that they are The Boss and Protector of the Bacteria and all other forms of life!
These archaea are kinda like the Generals and Captains instructing the millions of little defense squads running through your gut and body that assist your immune system to handle the waste, pathogens, toxins and heavy metals that damage it.
I know what you may be thinking:
Come on Dr. West, if these are so powerful, why haven’t I heard about them?
Archaea are thought in microbiology to be ONLY extreme little creatures as they are found in large numbers in the extreme locations such SALT FLATS, HOT SPRINGS , ACID MINES and even VOLCANOES.

Recent research is only starting to understand that they are SO MUCH MORE!
In our laboratory we have found them to be on human skin as well in the gut and even in the cells of the body! (Plant, Animal and Human).
The past 8 years of research has helped us figure out that these ARCHAEA are ESSENTIAL to human health and all life on this planet!
They protect probiotics from harsh chemicals and metals that easily kill them, such as antibiotic use.
They direct the probiotics to make them work better.
And together they help to detoxify the gut and the rest of the body from these harsh chemicals such as pesticides and heavy metals like lead, mercury, and even harmful pathogens.
Before I tell you how you can get these benefits, I promised you 3 Secrets you didn't know of the Probiotic Industry:
Yes! I want To Start using YourBiotics Now!
Secret #1: Most Probiotics Are Cultured
From The Human Colon

That’s right.
They scrape right out of a healthy human rectum, put that in a solution with sugar to grow them and then freeze dry them, bottle it and sell it to you in the market place.
And they don’t have to tell you where they get them from!
Sound appealing?
Secret #2: When It Says On The Label That
It Contains 20 Or 50 Billion CFU, That Isn’t
What You Are Getting In Your Capsule.
The truth is that measurement of CFU (colony forming units) is taken when this is in the liquid form before it is freeze dried and freeze drying with nitrogen kills off about half according to some research and wounds the rest.
So are you really getting the 50 Billion CFU?
Not even close! In our laboratory there were no signs of life until about 3 weeks in solution. We had to feed them and coax them back to life!
So liquid probiotics are better
They are very difficult to keep alive in the winter and so are a problem to ship to cold climates. Because liquid is heavy, it is much more expensive to ship.
Check Here At The Microscope
Videos And See The Difference:
Secret #3: Most Probiotic Products Contain
Only A Handful Of Strains Of Probiotics.
This is because the science of microbiology like most sciences do research to look for that 1 probiotic or 1 special ingredient and find out what makes it special.
Like curcumin found in turmeric.
It’s supposed to be the key ingredient, but that’s debatable.
So for most gut problems they use 1 or 3 or a handful of strains of probiotics.
This is a strong herald belief in the microbiology industry.
However, NO WHERE IN NATURE will you EVER find 1 or 3 or a handful of strains all by themselves.
There are tens of thousands of known probiotics, and some in the micro biological world say there are millions more waiting to be learned about and named.
When we check soil 6 inches apart or 6 miles apart or even 6 minutes or 6 hours apart in the same soil sample, there are tens of thousands of strains of probiotics that will vary greatly in their numbers all throughout the day.
It is NEVER constant.
Recall My Burning Desire To Find
100% Effective Solutions In Healthcare?
I tried many types of probiotics in my 25 plus years treating patients and they are just not effective on everyone.
So I kept searching for a better solution.
It took teaming with a brilliant scientist with the same desire to make the first discoveries about the wonders of the Archaea microbes! The rest of the industry still thinks they are only in extreme areas mentioned before.
My chief scientist has over 40 years in the Agriculture Industry. I was so amazed that his products for the lawn and garden at the difference they made with at my home.
Our garden came to life and gave us over 3 TIMES what we normally get each year and everything tasted better and grew larger!
We have this product as well available for you.
I had to beg him use his genius in the world of human health and after years of team work at it, 3 1/2 years ago YourBiotics was born!

YourBiotics Is The 1st Human Probiotic
On The Market To Use These Archaea Microbes!
When we started to prescribe it in our Integrative Clinic in Delaware we were stunned at the results that occurred within days of taking it!
The 1st patient report had 15 year stomach pain disappearing quickly after a couple doses!
A second patient suffered with swollen and painful lymph nodes and this vanished, no more swelling in less than 1 week.
Other reports came in showing chronic foot fungus was responding and in months of taking YourBiotics, major conditions such as Crohn’s Disease , Ulcerative Colitis and even Chronic cases of Sinusitis were improving.
Many more reported boosts in energy, fewer colds and flu.
Other patients have had remarkable improvements in their skin tone with decreased blemishes and some even reporting that their skin looked healthier and younger.
I personally haven’t been sick since I started testing the early prototypes of YourBiotics about 10 years ago!

Yourbiotics is Engineered To Be Effective!
Here Are A few Of The Benefits Some Experience When Using It
Increase Energy*
So you can actualize Your potential and perform at your best. Which means you no longer have to feel less able to cope with daily demands.
Boost The Immune System*
So you can protect yourself from getting infected so easily. Which means you will have the time to focus on what's matters most to you and chill instead of being a regular in the office...
Improve Stomach & Digestive Disorders*
So you can avoid the issue of dealing with a bloating stomach after eating something you like. Which means you will have the opportunity to experience different food choices and a decent meal with your loved ones without having to say no I can't eat that for 89% of what is in front of you.
Enhance the Skin, Hair & Joints*
So you can keep them healthy. Which means if you are struggling with acne or dry hair, now is the time to receive compliments from your peers
Relieve Sinus Pressure*
Which means you don't have to feel all that aching, throbbing, and stabbing pain so bad you think your face might explode!
Eliminate Pathogens, Parasites, Viruses & Infections*
Which means your body will have the ability to defend against the illnesses they cause, the ones that have you up at night in a cold sweat!!
Yes! I want To Start using YourBiotics Now!
The best ingredients in the world
for gut health & immune system boosting.
Live microorganisms are used to restore gut flora, they are good for your health and immune system as 70% of it is in our gut.

Live microorganisms are used to restore gut flora, they are good for your health and immune system as 70% of it is in our gut.

Works together with Probiotics to protect each other and thrive in what's called a naturally biotically diverse environment which makes it possible for Yourbiotics to survive all stages from Manufacturing to gut enzymes.
Ancient Healing Plant, It has been shown to repair damage to the body by activating at a cellular level stem cell growth. This is VITAL in the healing of any microscopic damage to the gut lining as in leaky gut syndrome.

Ancient Healing Plant, It has been shown to repair damage to the body by activating at a cellular level stem cell growth. This is VITAL in the healing of any microscopic damage to the gut lining as in leaky gut syndrome.

They assist our immune system to handle pathogens and detoxify the environment from toxins. They aid in digestion and support other friendly bacterial growth.
Bee Pollen Extract
Known as "Nature's Multi-Vitamin" containing easily assimilated B vitamins, minerals, and protein. It has been shown to Support digestive function & the immune system.

Bee Pollen Extract
Known as "Nature's Multi-Vitamin" containing easily assimilated B vitamins, minerals, and protein. It has been shown to Support digestive function & the immune system.

Amino acids
Body Building Protein from an ‘organic source’. Used to supply the materials necessary for cell growth
and repair, transporting nutrients, and preventing illness.
Extracted from ORGANIC NON-GMO corn and enzymatically processed into Pure d-glucose. It is used as a food source for our good microbes to keep them alive and well within the capsule.

Extracted from ORGANIC NON-GMO corn and enzymatically processed into Pure d-glucose. It is used as a food source for our good microbes to keep them alive and well within the capsule.
➡ ➡This process is done in combination with Jasmonate and creates an amazing release of energy that we call the SPARK OF LIFE. This is what makes YourBiotics glow on the microscope. What is left is no more maltodextrin, no more corn parts, just energy and pure d-glucose. Since the process occurs quickly, the probiotics, archaea and fungi will gobble up the d-glucose for food to fuel their growth and multiplication in many more probiotics than are found in the capsule to begin with. No other probiotic on the market will do this!
no other polysaccharide or oligosaccharide would give us the Spark of Life effect.

Ascorbic acid
This Vitamin C is one of the biggest immune boosters of all and it’s involved in metabolism and collagen production.
➡ ➡This is a naturally occurring source of Ascorbic acid from a organic and Non-GMO Source which is bound to Jasmonate to make it stable and taste good.
Yourbiotics Contains a unique blend of beneficial, laboratory studied Microbes & ingredients combined with a cutting-edge pressure drying process to keep them not only alive but thriving in a powdered state. Yourbiotics is designed to help you enjoy your day with its energy and immune-boosting results!

Yes! I want To Start Feeling & Looking Better
How It Works

Take one or two capsules

Dissolve the powder-drink

Preferably in the morning

With or without a meal
See What YourBiotics Is Already
Doing For Others Just Like You!
I want to use my 25 plus years of knowledge and skill in treating and coaching my patients back to health and coach you with YourBiotics like I did with the original Shark from Shark Tank , Kevin Harrington and many others.
Kevin Harrington
I've tried every thing from Probiotics to Fibers to Laxatives, but this is a game changer! … Within few weeks my stomach was getting more normalized and I don't go a day without it...
Mike Febber
YourBiotics changed my life for something I've been dealing with for over 20 years.( Horrible stomach pain massive bathroom breaks) and because of YB I did not have one since!
Mike Febber
YourBiotics changed my life for something I've been dealing with for over 20 years.( Horrible stomach pain massive bathroom breaks) and because of YB I did not have one since!
Louise Cummings
After 13 years of struggling with ulcerative colitis my colonoscopy was clear. There was no activity. I could hardly believe it … I highly recommend it to anyone who especially wants help solving gut issues.

Start Using Yourbiotics Now
And Get These Free Bonuses!

BONUS #1: Is Your Mind-Set? Training
($297 VALUE)
When you grab your bottle of Yourbiotics today, you'll also receive a 55 min Mindset Training, I did back in late 2019 in the Unleash U conference that you can start watching now, while you wait for your package to arrive.
In which you will know the secrets that helped me to:
Beat the odds and survive stage 4 cancer with a 10-15% survival rate and Recover from a concussion after a head-on 65 mph car crash..?
Overcome a financial ruin during the 2008 recession and Continue to build successful businesses over and over again
BONUS #2: The Ultimate Supplement Edge
($97 VALUE)
When you grab your bottle of Yourbiotics today, you'll receive a tactical video in which I will:
Show you the multiple uses of Yourbiotics, from purifying water to clearing up sinus trouble and how spraying it around the house can help you be more healthy
Tell you different recipes you can use Yourbiotics in it to make Simple and effective homemade health products like Facial cream, Toothpaste, smoothie and many more ...

BONUS #3: The ThrivalDoc Podcast
($197 VALUE)
When you grab your bottle of YourBiotics today, you'll receive access to The ThrivalDoc Podcast where you will find 4 audio shows that will teach you everything you need to know, to be in a good state all year round.
In it, you will get to learn about:
The importance of gut health, probiotics, prebiotics, and our immune system
The Importance of Posture Health
A holistic approach to fighting COVID-19 and My views on Hand Sanitizers
Is Regenerative Medicine the future of healthcare?
BONUS #4: "Be Truly Well High Performers" Community
($97 VALUE)
When you grab your bottle of Yourbiotics today, you'll receive unlimited access to our amazing Facebook community where You’ll get:
Exclusive pricing offers
Health & wellness training
Direct access to me and my team

FREE BONUS #5: Free shipping
($9.95+ VALUE)
When you grab your bottle of Yourbiotics today, We will ship Yourbiotics Package to any where in the United States for FREE With USPS FIRST CLASS MAIL.
There Is No Catch!
At this point you might be thinking "This sounds great, but there's gotta be a catch, right?"
We know that there are some websites out there that offer you some good products but then stab you in the back and stick you into some program that charges your card every month or didn’t follow their promises and their products have no benefits whatsoever.
There's no catch! and this isn’t one of them!
We're doing this for a few reasons...
Because we know what it's like to want to live a normal life and enjoy every meal with your loved ones but having very irregular bowel movements prevents you from that!
We want to help as many people as we can fix that once and for all.
We know for sure that if you experience the health benefits of this product you will be a raving fan which will make a reputable customer and ultimately be an ambassador of our company by telling your friends.
Time Is Of The Essence
Now, this is a limited-time offer at this price and won't last forever... So don't wait!
We certainly can't keep this up so long ... The bonuses like Free Shipping, Discounts and Training will go away in the near future since we're expanding to different countries with more product ranges…
So if you want to get the full package and benefit from the amazing result it comes with, go grab yours now before it's gone!

100% - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. That's right, we're so confident you'll LOVE our products, that if for whatever reason you don't see improvements after using it, you’ll get every penny you paid back. All we ask is that you return the bottle to us even if it's open or empty! And we'll issue your refund.
If You don't experience the immune-boosting, gut healing, skin-clearing health benefits of "YourBiotics", in any shape or form ... If it doesn't help you get rid of cramping, bloating, and allergy issues or it fails to help you enjoy more hours away from the bathroom and have a normal workday ... then we'll refund your money in full, No Questions Asked!
Just email us @
Sounds good?
Choose A Package And Start Feeling And Looking Better Today!
That’s pretty much everything!
If you want to take care of your health for real and experience the amazing benefits of YourBiotics which will help you *enhance every part of your life from Work-life with its energy-boosting to Home-life with its gut-healing relaxing effect.
This product will help you for sure because it does what is developed to do:
“ Help you live your best life”.
Thanks again,
Dr. Jeffrey. J. West
P.S. Bottom line: If you want to heal your gut, increase your energy, boost your immune system, have better-looking hair & skin, and relieve sinus pressure.
This product is for you. It’s proven to do just that with clinical cases and clients testimonials all over the world.
Here's the deal:
We’re sending you, your package of Yourbiotics, The "Natural" & "Pressure dry, Archaea based" (Pre+Pro)biotics Supplement - THE PERFECT SOLUTION TO GET RID OF CRAMPING, BLOATING, AND ALLERGY ISSUES IN AS LITTLE AS 4-12 WEEKS! (that retails at $79.95) for just $69.95 for your first bottle.
To make it even better, you can get the whole thing from Yourbiotics Bottle along with all the amazing bonuses for just $69.95.
There is no catch, no gimmicks. In fact, If for whatever reason you don’t love our product, we will refund you back every penny you paid. Your satisfaction is guaranteed!
So, click the button below to start using Yourbiotics now. I promise you won’t regret and it would one of the best decisions you ever made.
YourBiotics is a Pre+Probiotic formulated to work for everyone! It supports a healthy immune system, clear skin and a balanced gut microbiome. It's made from Organically Sourced Ingredients that are Non-GMO, Soy-Free, Gluten-Free and 100% Plant Based.
No. We achieve this by first cultivating through a fermentation process a vast array of beneficial microbes with our unique blend of ingredients and then utilizing a newly developed cutting-edge pressure drying process to preserve their integrity and natural biotic diversity while also making them shelf-stable (no need to refrigerate)!
In only a handful of cases, With more severe conditions a mild detox symptoms were noted. Such as constipation or skin disturbances. This is a GOOD SIGN as it means that the microbes in YourBiotics are working hard to improve your condition. Don't be discouraged, with continued use these symptoms should subside and you will see the benefits of YourBiotics. If the detox symptoms cause discomfort then reduce the amount you a taking until the symptoms subside and then slowly increase them again. If you continue to experience constipation that means you are not hydrated enough. YourBiotics work best with lots of fluids before a meal.
Some see results immediately but others may take a few weeks or months to achieve the best results. Some of our best success stories are after 3 months of use. Results may vary.
If the condition you are trying to improve is mild we recommend you start with 1 capsule.
If your condition is moderate we recommend starting with 1 capsule and if you do not experience detox symptoms then increase to 2 capsules.
If your condition is serious then start with 1 capsule and work your way up to 3 capsules.
In 2-7 Business Days Your Package will Arrive* The Free Shipping Offer is delivered via USPS and typically takes about 2-7 business days for arrival depending on your area. *If it does not arrive in 7 business days please contact us at
No, here is why: We needed a food source for the probiotics in the product so we tested many and Organic Maltodextrin worked the best for them. The probiotics ferment the maltodextrin and turn it into D-Glucose which is exactly the kind of sugar our body uses so it became the best for both. We tested this product in our clinics and in many colleagues' clinics and we never have seen an allergic reaction to it. Same with bee pollen extract. We have never seen an allergic reaction with people with bee allergies. As a side note, We have had patients with allergies to apples of all things but organic apples never gave a reaction, non-organic apples did. Non-organic products contact many other chemicals such as pesticides that are the real problem. Dr west son and daughter have allergies and they have never reacted to YourBiotics. He has a corn sensitivity as well and doesn't react. We have had many allergy cases reduced after taking YourBiotics. This process is done in combination with Jasmonate and creates an amazing release of energy that we call the SPARK OF LIFE. This is what makes YourBiotics glow on the microscope. What is left is no more maltodextrin, no more corn parts, just energy and pure d-glucose. Since the process occurs quickly, the probiotics, archaea and fungi will gobble up the d-glucose for food to fuel their growth and multiplication in many more probiotics than are found in the capsule to begin with. No other probiotic on the market will do this!

We have made it our mission to
Enhance / Strengthen the Overall Health and well-being of You and Our Planet Naturally! So Welcome to this amazing journey of Being Truly Well.