Probiotics May Help With Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

Probiotics May Help With Chronic Fatigue Symptoms

Did you know that it’s estimated that up to around 2.5 million people in the U.S. suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome? 

While research is looking into this mysterious illness, it’s a serious condition that is becoming more and more prevalent.

Although probiotics won’t cure your chronic fatigue, studies have shown that strengthening your gut microbiome can help ease symptoms, especially when you’re also dealing with digestive issues like IBS. 

Keep reading to learn about how probiotics in the gut can help with chronic fatigue symptoms. 

What is Chronic Fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is a chronic condition where the sufferer experiences chronic pain, fatigue, dizziness, sleep problems, and swollen lymph nodes. 

While symptoms can vary from person to person, it’s hallmarked by extreme fatigue that is made worse with physical exertion. 

Chronic fatigue syndrome isn’t very well understood, but what is clear is that many of these sufferers have gut microbiomes that are dysbiotic. 

This means that the intestinal lining doesn’t have a good population of gut microbes and has worn down to the point where stray molecules from food and pathogens are able to cross the intestinal wall and make it into the bloodstream.

This causes widespread inflammation within the body and is thought to contribute to fatigue in people with CFS.

How Can Probiotics Help?

Probiotics, when incorporated into your diet, can help repair your intestinal walls and help protect you from pathogens, as well as calm down inflammation. 

If your body is able to relax internally, then you may be able to experience less fatigue with CFS.

By taking probiotic supplements or eating more foods that contain probiotics such as you would find in fermented foods, you can help your microbiome boost its beneficial microbe populations.

Many probiotic supplements may use slow-growing bacteria strains or are simply made from ingredients that don’t support the types of gut flora you need.

This is why it’s important to eat probiotic sources that have microbes that can withstand the pH of the stomach, and actually make it into the gut. 

How Can You Get More Probiotics In Your Diet?

You can get more probiotics through foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, fermented pickles, yogurt, kombucha, and kefir. 

These lacto-fermented foods are excellent sources of the kinds of microbe strains that you need, in addition to giving you prebiotic fiber at the same time. 

Prebiotic fiber, in addition to probiotics, has been shown to help support your brain health. 

Eating cruciferous foods like cabbage, kale, broccoli, and arugula are good sources of gut and brain-healthy nutrients that gut microbes love to feed on.

Help Ease Your Chronic Fatigue Symptoms Today!

While no official treatments exist for chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers, there are many things that you can try that are non-medical and could potentially help lessen the symptoms that you have to deal with.

By changing your diet and making sure that you’re eating foods rich in probiotics you can help strengthen your gut health and protect yourself from other ailments. 

Taking probiotic supplements like YourBiotics, in addition to eating well, can help you take the guesswork out of knowing whether or not you’re getting enough gut microbes into your system.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can improve your gut health, click here

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